
555 West Washington Street
Stephenville, Texas 76401
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About this event

The Lion of Texas - A Conversation with Sam Houston

Created in the style of Hal Holbrook’s award winning performance in “Mark Twain Tonight”, this one man show gives the audience an intimate look at the icon who became the hero of San Jacinto and went on to become the first President of the Republic of Texas. Humorous, dramatic and impactful, the show is sure to give you a great night of entertainment all while helping Grace Place fund their benevolence ministries. Tickets are available for $20 ($10 for children 16 and under).

This critically acclaimed one man show will be performed at Paradigm, 555 W. Washington St. in Stephenville at 7pm on May 7.

Come out and support the Grace Place Ministries and have a wonderfully entertaining evening. If you are a Texan you will love it...if you are not, we will all feel sorry for you!

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