
Summer Of George
800 South Wells Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
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Event Details
Sat, September 30, 2017 - 8:30 PM
Summer Of George - Chicago, Illinois

About this event

September 30, 2017 -- A rock roll show, boat cruise, and fond farewell on the exquisite Summer of George charter.
Featuring live sets by Santah, Divino Niño, and Vaya on the waters of Lake Michigan and the Chicago River.
Join us for one last float on the night boat, as we celebrate the death of Summer and surely the birth of something new. 

Summer of George
Access at 900 South Wells, Chicago, IL
We board at 8:30. Ship sails at 9:00 sharp. Midnight return.
21+. $27.


All ticket proceeds donated to Undocumedia.org, providing immigration education and fighting for compassionate policy reform. #heretostay 

Alcohol available for purchase. Free pretzels provided by The Radler


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