
Quay Road
Event Details
Fri, April 27, 2018 - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
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About this event

Come and join us to learn how to cook the most traditional Tapas with Taparty at Devoran Village Hall. We will be cooking the iconic Spanish potato omelette, meatballs in spicy tomato sauce and garlic mushrooms. We will start the evening preparing a delicious Sangria to join a starter made with toasted bread tomato, garlic and olive oil called "Pan Tumaca" a licking finger tapa traditional from Catalonia. Hope you like the menu and wish to join me for a proper Spanish night!


Devoran Village Hall Quay Road Devoran Truro

Date and times 27th April from 6pm to 10pm

Contact analozarcornwall@gmail.com 07967093774

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