
The Capitol Theater of Resurrection Church
123 Capitol Street
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
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Event Details
Fri, October 26, 2018 - 8:00 PM
The Capitol Theater of Resurrection Church - Charleston, West Virginia
All Ages

About this event

Twelve jurors. One is the devil.

OF DEVILS AND MEN is an original stage play from Lawrence Burgess (Jack the Ripper, Anne of Green Gables, Signing Off).

In 2021 West Virginia, the death penalty has been enacted into law. Twelve jurors must decide the fate of the accused, with great new consequences from their decision. One of them has a secret...

...and the end has come.


The CAPITOL THEATER of Resurrection Church

Friday, October 19 - 8:00
Saturday, October 20 - 2:00, 8:00
Sunday, October 21 - 3:00
Friday, October 26 - 8:00
Saturday, October 27 - 2:00, 8:00
Sunday, October 28 - 3:00
Wednesday, October 31 - 7:00


Written and directed by Lawrence Burgess
Produced by the West Virginia Actors Conservatory

Visit www.wvactors.com or facebook.com/wvactors for more information.

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