
19805 Durand Ave
19805 Durand Avenue
Union Grove, Wisconsin 53182
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Event Details
Sat, June 26, 2021 - 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM
19805 Durand Ave - Union Grove, Wisconsin
All Ages

About this event

Due to the pandemic, we are unable to host the traditional Breakfast on the Farm, but plan to hold it again in 2022. Keeping the tradition alive, with a twist, come pick up your Breakfast in a Bag to make at home with your family. 

When: Saturday, June 26th from 7:00 am to 10:00 am

Cost: $20* per bag (feeds 4 people)**

Where: Racine County Fairgrounds, Union Grove, WI 


*Processing Fees not included

**Each bag contain breakfast for 4 people (sausage, eggs, pancake mix, syrup, yogurt, milk raisins, cheese sticks, muffins, butter)

One day only Phone ticket orders: May 15th from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Call Judy Bratz: (262) 206-2379

**All sales are final, no refunds**


The Racine County Breakfast on the Farm "Breakfast in a Bag" tickets will go on sale on May 10th. This year's proceeds will go towards purchasing the large fry pans used in cooking the eggs, scholarships for local youth and the promotion of agriculture in Racine Co. Keep checking our Facebook page for details.


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