
2949 S John Redditt Dr
2949 South John Redditt Drive
Lufkin, Texas 75904
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January 14th Bus Trip to Austin for the House Speaker Vote

Rhonda Ward and Daniel Hunt, our State Republican Executive Committee representatives, have chartered a bus to Austin on January 14th to attend the vote for the Texas House Speaker. Tickets for the round-trip bus fare are $50.00* per person. The Angelina County GOP will provide donuts at no charge on the first leg of the trip. Bus tickets may be purchased online through January 13, 2025**. Tickets are limited to 55 passengers, so order now!(*Ticket price will include small fee for processing payment. **See note below about t-shirts.)

WEAR REPUBLICAN RED! Show your support for Republicanism by wearing a red shirt. You may also purchase a red T-SHIRT (optional) with the wording: BAN DEM CHAIRS for $15.00 each. (Shirts must be ordered by 30 December 2024). (Please indicate size for each ticket holder at checkout in the Additional Notes section.) 

SUPPER (Optional): The bus will stop in Bastrop at Chik Fil A on the return trip and pick up a boxed lunch (chicken sandwich, chips, cookie, and a drink) for $10.00 each. PLEASE NOTE: This meal must be purchased when buying your bus tickets. We will not have time for travelers to deboard and order from the menu in the restaurant.

The travel Itinerary is as follows:

4:45AM: PICKUP – Nacogdoches at 3732 NE Stallings Drive

5:30AM: PICKUP – Angelina County GOP HQ (2949 S. John Redditt Dr., Lufkin)

9:30AM: ARRIVE at Capitol

4:45PM: BOARDING for departure

5:00PM: DEPART Austin

6:00PM: ARRIVE in Bastrop, Chik Fil A (No deboarding)

6:15PM: DEPART Bastrop

9:15PM: ARRIVE – Deboard in Lufkin

9:30PM: DEPART Lufkin

10:00PM: ARRIVE – Deboard in Nacogdoches

THANK YOU TO JOANNE SHOFNER, RHONDA WARD, DANIEL HUNT, and PAULETTE CARSON for helping to sponsor our bus! If you are interested in sponsoring, please email your name and phone number with the subject line "Bus Trip Sponsor" to info@angelinagop.org ASAP. Sponsors will be listed on this website, in all emails on the subject, on any signage on the bus trip, and in any press releases.


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