
Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church
1801 Lacassie Avenue
Walnut Creek, California 94596
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About this event

The Contra Costa Chorale will perform the newly published 2022 Bärenreiter edition of the Mozart Requiem, completed and edited by Michael Ostrzyga. It may surprise some people to know that Mozart died before the completion of the Requiem, thus leaving it to other composers, most outstanding of whom was Franz Süssmayr, one of Mozart’s students, to finish the piece. There has been much controversy over the years concerning Süssmayr’s completion and since 1941 there have been numerous completions from various composers. This new edition from Ostrzyga is based on detailed historical research considering valid possibilities for the last three movements, for which Mozart left no sketches. The Chorale will present this exciting new version of a piece that remains a masterpiece in choral literature.

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