
Walkersville Social Hall Events
79 West Frederick Street
Walkersville, Maryland 21793

About this event

A brunch and networking event hosted by Entrepreneur, Mother, Wife and Woman of God, Charmaine Austin. Please come and enjoy a power-filled morning, where empowered women share business and self-improvement strategies to encourage other women to reach for their dreams and make them a reality. Hear from transformational, inspiring female guest speakers. Come prepared to be nourished physically and emotionally, challenged and ignited! You won't want to miss this incredible opportunity.

About the speakers

Ukpeme Akpan Okon: Principal of The Values String, LLC and organizer of Ignite Silver Spring, is the author of award-winning The Values String: A book on Transitional Life, Compelling Fulfillment, and Profound Peace. A leader, lawyer, arbitrator, mediator, speaker, Ambassador for Peace, entrepreneur, and facilitator, she is the Executive Secretary of Mediators & Advocates of Peace (LAMPAIX), Founder of Guild of Adjudicators in Nigeria (GAIN) and the Pioneer Coordinator of Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC) of the Catholic Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles Parish, Abuja, Nigeria.

Patricia Stepler: Is a consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute. She is also certified as a trainer and does multiple trainings with change management, employee engagement, employee motivation, leadership, transitioning to management, and productivity to name a few.

Princess Brownfield: Is a Master Life Coach specializing in woman's Health & Wellness and mindfulness. She is also a strategic personal financial coach, motivational speaker and program designer, and the author of "To Elevate With Your Ten Toes." Coach Princess's slogan is The greatest method to start rebuilding and thriving is to get started on rebuilding and flourishing right now!

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