
4800 W John Carpenter Fwy
4800 West John Carpenter Freeway
Irving, Texas 75063
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About this event

Start the process to make your reservations and your dues here!


Fairfield by Marriot

4800 W. John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, Texas

Rate $139/night (Doubles / Kings / King Suites) 

Includes free Continental/Hot Breakfast & Wifi

If you plan to stay more than 2 nights (June 21st & 22nd) please indicate that when you make your reservation.


Dues for Family: 

18 years old & above - $65

12 - 17 years old - $35

11 years and younger - Free

Dues of Guests:

18 years old & above - $40

12 - 17 years old - $20

11 years and younger - Free


If you have any questions or concerns contact Clarissa Davis at (704)763-2634 or ClarissaG.Davis@gmail.com

If you need to make partial payments contact Lowell directly at (804)921-1533 or hello@collectvirginia.com

No money will be collected at the family reunion!

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