
4119 W Commonwealth Ave
4119 West Commonwealth Avenue
Fullerton, California 92833
Location map

About this event

9:00 a.m. Poker card envelopes available at airports.

Flying Tigers Aviation FBO Chino is offering a 25 cents per gallon discount during the Poker Run for participants.

General Aviation Fullerton is offering 10 cents off per gallon off the truck and will have the truck available at the event.

11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check in at KFUL, Fullerton Flight Center (formerly AFI) with unopened envelopes. (The check-in time may be staggered to control arrivals at KFUL.)

1:00 p.m. - Lunch served. (Hot dog or Bratwurst, salad, chips, & drink, vegan/vegetarian hot dog available)

No envelopes accepted after 2:00 p.m.

Poker Prizes awarded at KFUL at 2:30 p.m.

Keep a lookout on Instagram, Facebook, and www.fullerton99s.org for updates.

Fly 0-5 airports in any order. CNO, RAL, RNM, POC, EMT, FUL

If you don't make it to all airports, all airport cards are available at the KFUL lunch.

If the weather is not VFR, there will still be a lunch & poker hands will be available at KFUL.

Poker hands will be opened & ranked & prizes awarded.

The Ninety-Nines Inc. is an international organization of women pilots.  The proceeds from this event will be used for the Fullerton Chapter of the Ninety-Nines flight training scholarships, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.


Additional information at:  www.fullerton99s.org

For questions email:  99sfullertonchapter@gmail.com

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