About this event

For the October 17 discussion at the Center’s Reel Spirit Movie Project, Center associate and RSMP veteran Terry Decker has selected “The Killing Fields” (1985), a gripping film of human travesty, tragedy, and transcendence. Journalists covering devastation and genocide in Southeast Asia in the 1970s are separated in space and time, but not in spirit. While one is recognized with a Pulitzer Prize, the other traverses the killing fields of Cambodia in search of truth and justice. The film captures a rare combination of sweeping human scale and deeply intimate connection.

This film garnered 7 Oscar nominations including Best Actor, Film, Director, and Writing, and won Oscars for Supporting Actor, Cinematography, and Film Editing.

Please view the film before the October 17 program. It is available to stream at Amazon Prime Video. Watch the trailer HERE.



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