Duluth, Minnesota 55802
Fri, Aug 15 07:00 PM
Excalibur Con Sponsorship and Preview Party -
Sat, Aug 16 10:00 AM
Excalibur Con 2025
About this event
Join the Teeb Con planning group, sponsors, and special guests for a special preview party August 23, 2024 at our official hotel partner, the Radisson Harborview! The party will be held in the Great Room on the Superior Street level of the Radisson. There will be a guest DJ, snacks & refreshments, cash bar, special guests, door prizes and much more!
There will also be exclusive silent auction items that will only be available at the party! All proceeds will go to our charity partners- the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation, the Minnesota Masonic Childrens Clinic for Communication Disorders, and the MNSWCA.org Mental Wellness Scholarship!
As a bonus, Kim Simmons, aka the Man who shot Luke Skywalker, will be in attendance 7:00-9:00pm for an exclusive signing! Kim has a very busy convention schedule and will only be at Teeb Con Saturday morning, so this is a great chance to meet him in person and get an autograph for the low price of $10 each! He will also have his books available for purchase in person as well! You can check out his work here: http://www.themanwhoshotlukeskywalker.net/
All sponsors and supporters of Teeb Con will receive 2 complimentary tickets to the party. Additional tickets can be purchased for $25. Space is limited so don't delay!