
Waiheke Musical Museum
2 Korora Road
Waiheke Island, 1081
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About this event

In collaboration with Waiheke Community Cinema

Jane Austen and her music plus 
Pride & Prejudice

Saturday 26 October 2024

2.30pm Jane Austen & Her Music | Waiheke Musical Museum
Talk by Dr Kirstine Moffat on the role of music in Jane Austen’s life and novels.
Reserve your FREE tickets here. 

4.30pm Pride and Prejudice | Waiheke Community Cinema
The 2005 movie starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen.
Book your tickets at www.waihekecinema.co.nz 

Jane Austen and her music

Jane Austen’s novels are rich in musical interludes, from practice sessions at home, to performances at parties, to accompaniments to dancing. This reflects the author’s own love of music. According to Austen’s niece Caroline, ‘Aunt Jane began her day with music’ and her extensive collection of music books, many of them handwritten, are on display at the Jane Austen House at Chawton. My talk will begin with the place of music in Austen’s life and end with a discussion of music in her novels.

Throughout I will intersperse words with sounds. All of the pieces I am going to play are from Jane Austen’s music books, music we know she was familiar with and played herself. The musical portion of the talk will feature popular dance tunes, traditional songs, and works by Joseph Haydn, Ignace Pleyel, Johann Baptist Cramer, and the Duchess of Devonshire.

Dr Kirstine Moffat is Associate Professor in the English Programme at the University of Waikato. She has published widely on nineteenth-century New Zealand literature, music, and culture and is the author of Piano Forte: Stories and Soundscapes from Colonial New Zealand. Her earliest memory is her father singing to her from Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore and she is a lifelong reader and teacher of Jane Austen’s fiction. Kirstine is passionate about teaching as well as research and was the proud recipient of a 2020 Ako Aotearoa National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award.


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