
The Posner Center
1031 33rd Street
Denver, Colorado 80205
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About this event

What would it take to end human trafficking in Colorado?

Join us for The Colorado Project 2023 Release Party, hosted by the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (LCHT). This event marks the release of our latest research report and action plan aimed at ending human trafficking in Colorado! It will take place on Thursday, October 19th from 6-730PM at The Posner Center in Denver.

Who Should Attend: Whether you are a professional dedicated to this issue, part of an agency supporting survivors, or simply a community member who cares—this event is for you!

About The Colorado Project: The Colorado Project is LCHT's ongoing research initiative, dedicated to advancing anti-trafficking efforts in Colorado. Since its inception in 2010, this community-driven effort has shed light on the complexities of human trafficking in Colorado. Our latest release, The Colorado Project 2023 underscores the significance of cross-sector partnerships, specialized training, and addressing housing instability as crucial steps in our journey to end human trafficking.

What to Expect: This gathering is dedicated to sharing key learnings and meaningful action based on our research. You'll hear from our research team and special guests who will highlight changes in the statewide movement, discuss promising practices, and outline recommendations for partnerships from our new action plan. Together, we'll celebrate the progress being made across Colorado while identifying current challenges we can address together in our work to eliminate exploitation.

RSVP Now: Don't miss this opportunity to get more connected to Colorado anti-trafficking. Reserve your free spot today!

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