About this event

We warmly invite you to an evening of connection, reflection, and purpose at our upcoming fundraiser, Enlighten the Dark, on November 7th. This special event is an opportunity to gather in community, share a delightful meal, and support Center for Spiritual Wisdom’s transformative work. 

At the Center, we believe that spiritual practices are powerful tools for personal and collective transformation. Our offerings promote compassionate action and transformative growth in relationship to spirituality, neighbor, self, creation, and cosmos through the integration of practice, learning, engagement, and reflection. The Center serves all seekers — whoever they are and wherever they are on their spiritual journeys.

Enlighten the Dark will feature delicious food, a variety of beverages, and a silent auction with a wide array of unique items and experiences. Your participation and generosity will directly support Center for Spiritual Wisdom's mission to promote compassionate action and transformative growth, allowing us to continue offering our programs to all who seek to deepen their spiritual lives.

Please join us for this meaningful evening, as we come together to illuminate the path of transformation for the common good.

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