About this event

Celtic Spirituality

with Laura Collins & Brandon Cook

Thursday, Sept. 19 @ 7:00 PM - Zoom


On Sept. 19, Center for Spiritual Wisdom will host its monthly discussion series called A Little About A Lot. The September installment is entitled Celtic Spirituality: It Just Might Change Your Life and will be facilitated by Laura Collins and Brandon Cook. We will convene on Zoom from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. 

Celtic Wisdom invites us into heart-felt and embodied ways of recognizing God's presence in all creation. This indigenous approach embraces a soulful relationship with nature, and provides a needed contrast to Imperial Christianity—and Western religion and philosophy more generally. In this session, we will explore how the Celts value the diversity of both people and the world we live in, a poetic approach to theology, the importance of "soul-friends,” and the joy of desire. 

We’ll delve into what spiritual and ecological practices might both buoy and ground us in the search for meaning and connection. In today's world, where community is often divided, the earth suffers greatly, and the quest for ultimate meaning is ever-present, Celtic Spiritualty offers a path to rediscovering our true nature. Embracing these ancient practices can profoundly impact our modern lives, fostering deeper connections with one another, the earth, and the Divine.

Please consume these materials before the discussion on September 19.

Iona was once the beating heart of Celtic Christianity – an article from The Christian Century – (10 minutes)

Celtic Spirituality – A Beginner’s Guide – an article from Northumbria Community – (10 minutes)

A NtR Short: Far From Rome (How Celtic Spirituality Changes How We See the World) – a podcast from Naming the Real (12 minutes)

Sacred Earth Sacred Soul - A Conversation – a YouTube video of a conversation between John Philip Newell and Richard Frazer about his widely acclaimed book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul. (1 hour 12 minutes)

A Little About A Lot engages the community in discussions around topics of social, religious, and spiritual interest using short formats like podcasts, web posts, short books, and videos curated from around the digital world.

There is no fee to participate in this two-hour discussion. However, donations to the Center will be gratefully accepted. A suggested donation of $8 or more per discussion will help us continue to offer this and similar events.

Laura Collins is a retreat leader, spiritual companion, and CSW Associate based in Asheville. She has walked these Blue Ridge Mountains her entire life and has lived in them full-time for the past 18 years. As much as she loves many other beautiful places around the world, these mountains are the place where she finds the most consistent healing and connection. Find out more about Laura at her website.

Brandon Cook is a writer, trainer, and business/personal coach. After graduate school, Brandon moved to Long Beach, California and had a transformative experience for over 14 years working as a pastor, coach, and trainer. He has worked as a professional storyteller, and you can read some of his writing (poetry, fiction, and non-fiction) at storyflight.comInstagram. Brandon is the Executive Director of the podcast Naming the Real, a CSW Associate, and co-chair of A Little About a Lot.

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