About this event

The world's great spiritual traditions have given us a priceless gift: their wisdom. And it’s available for us to learn and enjoy, today. Join CSW Director Rob Field and CSW Associate Terry Decker for a 6-week online learning series: The Wisdom of World Religions. The series will be held on Tuesdays March 4 to April 8 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM Eastern on Zoom.

At the heart of the world's enduring religions are spiritual teachings that can transform individuals and communities. Although the “trappings” of each religion can make its pearls of wisdom hard to find, there are mystics, poets, monastics, and spiritual masters from the great faiths who continue to pass on this wisdom from generation to generation. We’re privileged to live in a time when their treasures are available to those who seek them.

In addition to founding and directing Center for Spiritual Wisdom, Rob Field taught World Religions at Brevard College from 2018 to 2022. While teaching undergraduates, he collected the spiritual teachings found in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism, among others. Those 6 traditions will be covered in the Wisdom of World Religions, with each having its own focus week during the series. The conceptual foundation will be Perennial Wisdom (aka the Perennial Tradition), which describes a shared spiritual viewpoint at the heart of all the great religious traditions.

Terry Decker is a seasoned presenter, instructor, facilitator, and a long-time student of world religions. Among many spiritual sojourners who would promote the adage, “Not all who wander are lost,” Terry participated in Rob’s most recent presentation of this series. Terry says, “I’m honored to be Rob’s apprentice and co-presenter….This series not only offers fascinating glimpses into the rich diversity of faith traditions, it offers deep affirmation of the common promise and yearning of the human spirit.”

Participants will benefit from concise reading material, live presentations, audio-visual supplements, and group interactions. Registration is available at $179 per person (Basic Admission) or $229 (Admission Plus, which helps defray the full cost of this and other CSW events). Registrations are now being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

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