Upcoming events

About this event

December Topic - To be announced

Location  - To be announced

This is not a presenter/audience-type event - it is a casual, friendly, unstructured meetup for folks who enjoy discussing various historic topics.  The subject matter is decided by YOU.  A book, an artifact, an idea, a movie, a myth or legend, a personal experience - whatever you wish to bring or talk about is fair game.  Have you always wanted to know about a particular place or event?  Ask the other people in attendance, they might know!  No need to dress up, bring something to eat or drink if you like, come late or leave early - it's all good!  There is no age limit, but minors must be accompanied by an adult.

To find out where the next meetup is being held, you can look at our calendar or get on our mailing list for upcoming events.  Just send a request to tmf.org.1289@gmail.com.

Club Meadows is hosted by the Meadows Foundation and is open to our current members.  We also welcome anyone who is a member of ANY historic organization in Franklin Township (Somerset County), NJ.  Not a member?  No problem!  Just come to a meetup and you can join the Meadows when you arrive (annual membership is from $10-$20/year).  

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