Sat, Sep 28 09:00 AM
Psychedelics and Psychoanalysis with Megan Rundel, PhD
About this event
The Alliance offers mentoring groups as a membership benefit to psychotherapists who are in their first 10 years of clinical practice in the field of psychotherapy. The primary objective of the Alliance Mentor Program is to support early-career therapists through the challenges of beginning practice.
Mentor Groups are led by mid-career and senior psychotherapists and analysts who volunteer their time. Each group has 4-8 members, and meets at least twice each month. Group formats vary, but typically mentees can expect clinical discussions and case consultation, exploration of psychoanalytic theory and frame, the opportunity for collegial connectedness, and an entrée into the broader Alliance community and its programs. Groups may also consider the pressing concerns of our times, including social, racial and climate justice issues, as they relate to the psychoanalytic tradition and practice of psychotherapy. Each group will develop its own character, based on the person of the mentor, and the desires and experiences of group members.