About this event

We are pleased to present another co-sponsored online event examining the intersection of race and psychotherapy, held via Zoom, on May 18th, 9am-noon (Seattle)/ 12p-3p (New York), 5pm-8pm (London). 

Baffour Ababio is a psychoanalytic intercultural psychotherapist and clinical supervisor in private practice and at Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre. Baffour completed his psychotherapy training at University College London and his supervision training at the Guild of Psychotherapists and is a member of UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy; CPJA) and BAPPS (British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision). Alongside his clinical role, Baffour developed a career in managing mental health services integrating a community-based response to support recovery from a broad range of mental health problems. With Roland Littlewood he has co-edited a volume on intercultural psychotherapy entitled Intercultural Therapy: Challenges, Insights and Developments(link is external). His most recent publication also by Routledge is Intercultural Supervision in Therapeutic Practice: Dialogues, Perspectives and Reflections (2023)(link is external).

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