
The Vine Atlanta Church
1296 Gresham Road
Marietta, Georgia 30062
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Upcoming events

About this event

Olá, tudo bem?

In case you didn't know, that means "Hello, how are you?" in Portuguese.

Welcome to our page! It's a pleasure to have your interest in our annual Marietta Brazilian Festival! We have made this website to give you a "taste" of our event. If you love exploring different cultures and their food, people, etc., then we are exactly what you are looking for! From our Brazilian dishes to the sound of our wonderful music, you'll certainly have a great time experiencing it all.The purpose for our festival is to spread the amazing Brazilian culture to the masses, showing them that Brazilian culture is where it's at!

We hope that this page incentivizes you to come see us!

Tchau! Nos vemos no festival!(Bye! See you at the festival!)

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