
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Phoenix Tempe
2100 South Priest Drive
Tempe, Arizona 85282
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About this event

ADEQ's Capacity Development and Op Cert Program will be hosting a free 1.5-day workshop for operators, system owners, and managers at DoubleTree in Tempe, Arizona. This event will focus on safety and backflow prevention with an updated management track for system owners. Training tracks offered are listed below. You will have the option to migrate between three tracks on May 1st.

Thursday, May 1st:

  • Manager
  • Backflow
  • Operational Safety

Friday, May 2nd:

  • Operational Math

If you need further assistance, please contact the Operator Certification Program by email, azopcert@azdeq.gov, or by phone at (602) 771-0100. The CapDev/OpCert workshop will only be hosted in Tempe this year.

PDHs available!

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