
13140 Frati Ln
13140 Frati Lane
Sebastopol, California 95472
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About this event

The Art of Falling In Love with Your Uniqueness- A fun interactive presentation about the gifts of the Human Design system

The gifts of 'The Human Design System' and its ability to support our individual 'self-awareness connects us to our essence- our soul. The practical tools which we can use to experiment with on the daily basis, help us experience more fulfilment as we learn to nonor our unique design.

The value of "de-conditioning" can help us not to dwell in daily frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment (our "not self themes"). The Human Design is "the science of differentiation" which offers a practical useful ways to be ourselvers and relate more succeesfully with others.

We will discuss:

1. The significant relevance of 'the human design system to the time of transformation we currently live in

2. How does understanding the different aura types can help us become more conscious and aware of enjoying our relationships?

3. How do the different profiles & lines tell us about ourselves & one another?

4. How we can work with our individual strategy & authority to experience more ease, satisfaction, success and peace in our life?

5. How can the understanding of our 9 energy centers/ definitions help us use our powers correctly?

6. How do the planes affect us within our body and how can we work with the daily transit to support our manifestations?


A little about me-

My name is RutiCelli and I am an international touring artist & producer. In the past 3 years I have been offering Intentional 'Intimate cello' containers of "channeled sound healing journeys in 432Hz for the purpose of creating deeper connection & presence. I discuss and teach from within the deep inner trust I developed over time as a result of knowing my soul better through my Human Design chart. This is why I teach this and offer others my own unique system of understand their own unique powers and beauty.

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