
Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church
1801 Lacassie Avenue
Walnut Creek, California 94596

About this event

The Contra Costa Chorale celebrates the diversity of choral music, bringing together artists who may have been previously marginalized or overlooked. We rejoice in this opportunity to make a place at our table for guests of a variety of perspectives, cultures, musical styles, gender expressions, and lived experiences historical and contemporary. We invite you to recognize with us that music welcomes all—especially music that comes from within ourselves, sung by and for all of us.

Featuring the world premiere of “Seed” by Joan Szymko, based on "Declaration," a poem by Elsa Gidlow, lesbian founder of Druid Heights, a trailblazing bohemian community in Mill Valley.

Guest artists: Rev. Carolyn Anderson and the Community Fellowship Choral Ensemble

Tickets will be on sale at the door (General, $25; Student/Senior/Accessible, $20) at 4:00pm.

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