
490 10th Ave (in front of Odyssey Wine and Spirits)
490 10th Avenue (between 37th and 38th Street) in front of Odyssey Wine and Spirits
New York, New York 10018
Location map

About this event

Bus to DC  for Rally and March on the White House on 11/2/24.


Bus will be leaving from Manhattan at 490 105h Avenue, between 37th and 38th Street, in front of Odyssey Wine and Spirits at 5:00 am.


For more information contact Gil Obler at:  617-388-5445


1.The Black is Back Coalition and the Hands Off Uhuru! Fightback Coalition demand that the unjust verdict of conspiracy be overturned for the Uhuru 3. Although the Uhuru 3 won a tremendous victory when the jury found them NOT GUILTY of the fraudulent, bogus government charge of working for the Russians, do to the deception and lies of the prosecutor, the jury unjustly found them guilty of conspiracy. That verdict is being appealed.

2. WE DEFEND the democratic right of the African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement  to advocate and organize for the total liberation, reunification and self-determination of Africa and African people worldwide.

3. WE DENOUNCE all FBI/U.S. government raids, politically motivated indictments, arrests, surveillance, slander and attacks against the African (Black) Liberation Movement as well as against all anti-colonial movements and social justice, anti-war, anti-imperialist and free speech organizations and movements as exemplified by the attacks on Stop Cop City and the Tampa 5.

4. WE DEMAND the right to the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to struggle to build our movements for justice, peace, liberation and unity of all peoples. We demand the right to speak out and associate with our allies without fear of reprisals from the U.S. government and colonial state.

5. WE DEMAND the release of all political prisoners, including Leonard Peltier, Jalil Al-Amin, Mumia Abu Jamal, Ed Poindexter and many others. Drop all charges against Assata Shakur.

6. WE DEMAND that all candidates and political parties contesting in the 2024 presidential and other elections adopt the demand to Drop the Charges on the Uhuru 3 and other targeted organizations, whistleblowers and individuals.

7. WE DEMAND an end to U.S. government attacks on Mexican-Navajo and other Indigenous peoples, Occupied Palestinian people, the Filipino people, African people in Haiti; Alex Saab and the people of Venezuela, and an end to the blockade on Cuba, and demand the lift on travel bans and the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. 

8. WE DEMAND the immediate cessation of U.S. funding of the war in Ukraine and that the billions of dollars being spent for that carnage be paid toward the long-overdue reparations demand by black people.

REGISTER & MORE INFO: https://blackpeoplesmarch.com/

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