
Historic Hunterdon County Courthouse
71 Main Street
Flemington, New Jersey 08822
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Americana Meets Old Masters: Classical Favorites for Marimba, Vibraphone, & Piano

(Greg Giannascoli, marimba; Behn Gillece, vibraphone; Ron Stabinsky, piano)

Historic Hunterdon County Courthouse, Flemington, NJ

Another new artist to the festival this year is marimba virtuoso Greg Giannascoli, who brings to the Historic Hunterdon County Courthouse in Flemington a spirited and innovative program of classical favorites and show pieces for marimba, vibraphone, and piano, composed by Gershwin, Piazzolla, Bach, Rimsky-Korsakov, and others.  Classical New Jersey wrote of Giannascoli: “Here is music played so well it would capture and hold anybody’s attention indefinitely.”

For video links, program details, and more information about this and other Raritan River Music Festival concerts, please visit www.raritanrivermusic.org.

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