
Redfield Cider Bar & Bottle Shop
5815 College Avenue
Oakland, California 94618
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About this event

Join us for an introductory Cider Tasting with Liv and Mike from Redfield Cider Bar and Bottle Shop. Redfield is a petite bar, bottle shop, and eatery located in beautiful Oakland, California. Their mission is to provide a welcoming, lively, and fun environment for folks to experience all that cider and natural wine has to offer.

The Cider Tasting will be an introduction to the world of cider and an exploration of everything the apple can do when fermented. We will taste through 10 expressive, orchard-based ciders and co-ferments from around the world, and will discuss the roles that variety choice of fruit, climate, soil conditions, and production techniques play in shaping flavor of the finished bottle.


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