
The Glass Factory
601 Myrtle Avenue North
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
Location map

About this event

We are excited to announce a reunion of all times to include the Classes of 1982 through 1991. We initially surveyed for a four-class reunion for classes from 1987 through 1990. However, after locating a large and AMAZING venue we want to reunite the first decade of MHS alumni on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Now that we have our date and venue set, we are discussing other opportunities for a Friday night meet and greet. As you can imagine, we are beyond excited and need help finding classmates. Please spread the word on your Facebook home page and with your non-Facebooking classmates.

💥 Reunite, Relive, and Get Ready to Party 80s Style! 💥

Save that Date: September 28, 2024

⌚ Time: 6PM - 11PM  
🏘 Location: The Glass Factory, 601 Myrtle Ave N, Jacksonville, FL

Hey 80s Crew! 🕶 It's time for an Epic Class Reunion celebrating our totally rad years from 1982 to 1991! 🎉

Reconnect with your old squad, swap stories from back in the day, and have a total blast reliving our glory days! 🥳

🍽 Dinner: Anthony's Catering. No boring grub here!

🚗 Parking: Courtesy valet service. 

🎤 Entertainment: High-N-Tight and our throwback DJs will keep you grooving on the dance floor all night! 💃🕺

But wait, there's more! We're planning a pre-game Friday Night Meet & Greet to get the party started early! 🍻 Stay tuned for more details on Friday.  

Grabbing your tickets ASAP is key to making this reunion an unforgettable bash! 🎟 Your support helps take it to the next level. 🚀

Spread the word to your fellow 80s friends! Share on social, emails or call and old friend to let them know!!  Let's get the word out to all graduating years! 📣

Don't miss out on this chance to party like it's 1989 again! Lock in September 28th for a night of totally awesome memories! 🎊

🌋 #RadReunion #80sForever

As we diligently work towards creating an unforgettable Multi-Class Reunion, we have put together a budget which has some potential fluctuations. Our commitment is to ensure that attendance is accessible to all classmates, and to achieve this, we have been actively exploring opportunities for donations and sponsorships.
Recognizing that financial constraints may have prevented some classmates from joining us in the past, your support now can significantly contribute to keeping costs reasonable for everyone. While there is an option to accept donations through this platform, it's important to note that there is an associated cost.

For those seeking more information on sponsorships or wishing to contribute through alternative means, we invite you to contact Christy Bethea Gemmill. Christy is equipped to accept payments via Venmo and PayPal, or if you prefer traditional methods, you can mail a check through the USPS.

Your generosity and support are pivotal in making this reunion inclusive and memorable for all. Thank you for considering various avenues to contribute.

Tickets are now available for purchase.  Any and all sponsorships will go to the event.  Also, if there is a classmate that wants to attend, but is unable to due to costs of the event, please reach out to your class representative or to Christy Bethea Gemmill.  

We appreciate your patience and are so happy to see the enthusiasm as we work towards making this Multi-Class Reunion a fantastic and inclusive event for everyone!



1987: Deena Fountain Faulkner and Marsha Vickers Mosley
1989: Debra Morris Tanner
1990: Alycia Woods Neill and Christy Bethea Gemmill

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