Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
Sun, Mar 02 03:00 PM
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The Arts at Ascension presents the third annual Sing-Along of George Frederick Handel’s classic holiday oratorio “Messiah”
It’s a free, family holiday fun afternoon, featuring soloists and choristers from The Arizona Masterworks Chorale and North Scottsdale United Methodist, the musicians of the Women’s Orchestra of Arizona — and the voices of everyone who loves singing choruses from Handel’s magnificent creation.
Come and sing along, or just sit back and enjoy the greatest Christmas oratorio ever. No rehearsal is necessary for community singers! Bring your own vocal score, or If you don’t have one, click here to download one in PDF.
ADMISSION IS FREE - Donations Requested.
Please click "Tickets & Donations" above to reserve free tickets and let us know how many to expect.
We request a donation of $20 to help underwrite our expenses for this event and support our 2024-2025 season concerts.
The Program
Sinfonia (Overture: Orchestra)
Ev’ry Valley (Paul Nicosia, Tenor)
Chorus: And the glory of the Lord
Thus Saith the Lord / But who may abide (Derek James Stull, Bass)
Chorus: And He shall purify
Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Holly Sheppard, Alto)
Chorus: O thou that tellest good tiding to Zion
The people that walked in darkness (Derek James Stull, Bass)
Chorus: For unto us a child is born
Pifa (Pastoral: Orchestra)
There were shepherds … And suddenly there was with the angel (Nina Cole Garguglio, Soprano)
Chorus: Glory to God in the Highest
Rejoice, greatly (Nina Cole Garguglio, Soprano)
He shall feed his flock (Holly Sheppard, Alto and Nina Cole Garguglio, Soprano)
Chorus: His yoke is easy
Chorus: Halleluja!