About this event

This course is for all parents; from those struggling with PTSD to those who feel like nothing is wrong but something just isn’t right.

The instinct to control or shut down our children’s spirit often flows from our own threat response cycle (TRC) being triggered. Learning how to identify and regulate our own threat response cycle can allow us to update our biology to the present moment, allowing both ourselves and our children to experience more ease, connection, and happiness individually and together.

An embodied understanding of our own neurobiology and capacity for regulation allows for improved day-to-day interactions with our children.

This understanding is the foundation for healthy, resilient, and happy humans. This kind of embodied learning happens in real-time; not in theory.

This is a direct approach founded on the science of human healing and connection as elucidated by The Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, The Polyvagal Theory, and Somatic Science.

You will learn:

  • What the Threat Response Cycle is; Why it matters in family dynamics; How to identify it and move through it.
  • What the Window of Resilience is; Why it impacts every interaction; How to widen it in yourself first and your child second.
  • How to improve 5 daily parent-child interactions to support a more regulated child with increased capacity.

This is an exploratory class rooted in polyvagal principles and structures as well as neurobiological understandings and practices. We learn together and each person tests and confirms their own truth.

Led by Monique Minahan, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Trauma-Informed yoga teacher, author of The Grief Practice. 

*Live attendance is encouraged; however, the recording will be available.

Find more Being+Human workshops at www.essential-humanity.com/Education

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