
Stack Burger
1506 Abbott Road
Lackawanna, New York 14218
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About this event

Buffalo Championship Wrestling partners up with Stack Burger to present Saturday Night Stack.  A great night of live pro wrestling and delicous food from Lackawanna's Stack Burger.  This is an outdoor, rain or shine event.  

  • Main Event for the BCW-WNY Heritage Wrestling Championship: Lackawanna's own "Rockstar" Robby Vegas vs. "The Real One" Matt McCoy
  • 716 Wrestling Tag Team Champions "The Buffalo Bad Boy" Brian Jennings & Dan Macchio vs. "Handsome" Troy Buchannan &. "The Shot" Cal Keaton
  • The American Avenger vs. T.J. Karts
  • "Buckwild" Tommy K. vs. "The Gashed" Darren Crowe
  • Groff vs. Principe Breanynn The 1st



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