
Corvallis Museum
411 Southwest 2nd Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97333
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About this event

For those who appreciate the intricate relationship between nature, craft, and industry, From Seedling to Structure offers a deep dive into the fascinating evolution of local wood use. This one-hour tour is designed for history enthusiasts and wood aficionados alike.  We'll climb onto Starker Forests' warm, dry tour bus with panoramic windows and visit multiple historic locations that have played a pivotal role in shaping the region's timber history.

From the earliest methods of timber cultivation and forest management to the rise of sawmills and processing techniques, this tour covers the full spectrum of wood's journey—from seedling to final structure.

Along the way, our Starker Forests and Engage Corvallis guides — versed in both the technical and historical aspects of local wood use—will walk you through the processes that transformed raw timber into everything from humble homes to grand structures. You’ll gain insights into the tools, techniques, and technology that evolved over time.

Don’t miss this chance to immerse yourself in 150 years of local timber history—book your seat today!

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