
The Global Center for Christ Consciousness
100 Northview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
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About this event

This conference will explore the UFO phenomenon from its historical roots in biblical times to the current congressional hearings in Washington, D.C. It will commemorate the 50th anniversary of Travis Walton's 1975 UFO encounter in the Arizona Sitgreaves National Forest with live presentations featuring Travis Walton plus noted experts, authors, and filmmakers.


Travis Walton - Renowned for his personal UFO encounter

Jennifer W. Stein - Producer  -  the award-winning TRAVIS documentary

Donald Schmitt - Author and Roswell Crash expert

David Hatcher Childress - History Channel TV personality, author and explorer

Ron James - Filmmaker - MUFON TV founder and media consultant

Stacey Wright-Arizona MUFON State Director

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