
Ruth Taylor Recital Hall
1 Trinity Pl
San Antonio, Texas 78212

About this event

SOLI’s first concert of its 31st season is Elementos, featuring Grammy Award-nominated composer, pianist, vocalist, and educator Clarice Assad. Elementos, Assad’s song cycle inspired by the four elements earth, fire, water, and air, features her as the primary voice of the narrative and anchors the evening. The concert also presents Danza Nocturno by Puerto Rican composer Iván Enrique Rodríguez, described as a gifted colorist with an abundance of emotional energy and the means to communicate it.

At the center of the evening are the next three works from SOLI’s signature anniversary initiative, the 30x30x30 Project: Four Sketches by Eric Delgado, Phantasmagoria by Meg Okura, and Saghat by Adeliia Faizullina will receive their first project performances. Each of the thirty works selected as part of 30x30x30 will receive performances in San Antonio and around the country during 2024 and 2025 by SOLI and its cohort of performance partners.

Elementos, on Tuesday, September 17, 7:30 pm at Trinity University, is the culmination of Assad’s multi-day artist residency in San Antonio with SOLI. Events include workshops and presentations with Youth Orchestras of San Antonio, University of Texas at San Antonio, Trinity University, and other area schools and institutions.

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