
Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick
1 Middle Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
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About this event

Ticket Sales have Ended.  The Event is SOLD OUT.

On Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 pm, Women in Harmony will appear on the Concerts for a Cause stage at Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick, presenting a program of pieces that embody their commitment to working together to make the world a better place.

Women in Harmony is an affirming and inclusive community of women based in Portland who sing for social justice and the joy of making music together. The group has been dedicated to both musical excellence and social justice for over 20 years, giving them a unique niche among singing groups in Northern New England.  

The concert ranges in content from songs about making change happen to songs about holding onto love in an increasingly divided society. Some highlights are “I am Willing” by Holly Near, “What Happens When a Woman” (Takes Power) by Alexandra Olsavsky, and “Prayer” by Ysaye Barnwell.

Tickets available at the church office (729-8515), Gulf of Maine Books, as well as ticketstripe.com.  

ALL proceeds from the concert will benefit the Brunswick Area Teen Center and Maine Family Planning.

List to a sample of their music.

Please visit https://wihmaine.org/ for more information about Women in Harmony


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