
Westwood Lutheran Church
9001 Cedar Lake Road
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426
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About this event

Bella Lumina will honor the stories and history of the Suffrage Movement by performing Andrea Ramsey’s Suffrage Cantata on March 8th in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of International Women’s Day.

Suffrage Cantata is multi-movement work scored for treble choir, piano, string quartet, percussion, narrator, and soloist. Historical images and footage will be projected throughout the powerful work and will feature Bella Lumina’s 60 treble singers along with guest treble singers from Minnehaha Academy, Minnetonka High School, and Mound Westonka High School. 

Victoria Wilgocki - narrator

Mikalia Bradbury - soprano soloist


Chris Starr, piano 

Barb Savereide and Suzanne Damberg, violin

Cassandra Herold, viola

Andrea Glass, cello

Jeff Bina and David Birrow, percussion

“It is so very important to share with our younger generation this oftentimes untold story of the 72-year+ struggle to gain the voting rights for women. 

We hope that the words, stories, and actions of our ancestral Suffragist sisters will inspire youth to keep carrying the torch of equality and keep marching for justice.” 

~ Artistic Director, Michelle Gehrz 

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