Huntersville, North Carolina 28078
Sun, Mar 16 02:00 PM
Guided Tour of the Historic Hugh Torance House and Store -
Sat, Mar 22 02:00 PM
HEARTS Irish Connections ‘25: Jane’s Famous Ride -
Sun, Mar 23 02:00 PM
Guided Tour of the Historic Hugh Torance House and Store -
Sun, Mar 30 02:00 PM
Guided Tour of the Historic Hugh Torance House and Store -
Sat, Apr 05 06:30 PM
Ghost Hunt at the Hugh Torance House and Store - See more events
About this event
Do you think the oldest store in North Carolina is haunted? Here's your chance to out! Join us for an authentic ghost hunt led by the experienced experts at the Charlotte Area Paranormal Society (CAPS). Step back in time, to 1779, to scour each of the rooms of the home as well as our site grounds (weather permitting) for existential activity using professional investigative tools and equipment provided by CAPS (CharlotteAreaParanormal.org). You can also bring your own tools or equipment.
Admission tickets are $25 per person. This event WILL SELL OUT! So don’t delay, make your ticket purchase today!
Admission is limited to 24 guests. Guests MUST be age 12 or older AND accompanied during the event by an adult.
In addition to experiencing the spooks of the site, the Torance Store offers sundries, local goods like honey and lavender, locally made artisan crafts and gifts, historical books and toys, stationary and home decor, and more! Our site is also adjacent to the 1831 Greek Revival home of James Torance, son of Hugh and Isabella Torance. While it is a private residence, this immaculately restored three-story red brick home listed on the Nation Registrar is open once a month for HEARTS Happening events.
Donations from visitors are most welcome & much appreciated! The Hugh Torance House and Store is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity organization and is fully funded by donations from the community. Thanks to generous donations from the piublic, HEARTS Circle Members, and support from our community sponsors, we’re excited to continue growing and sharing the Hugh Torance House nd Store's connection to the great tapestry of history in the Catawba Valley Region!