
100 Elks Club Rd
100 Elks Club Road
Brevard, North Carolina 28712
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About this event

No prior meditation experience necessary

In meditation and in our daily lives, there are three qualities that we can cultivate. We already possess these, but they can be ripened: precision, gentleness, and the ability to let go. –Pema Chodron

A regular meditation or centering practice can yield many benefits. Studies have shown meditation can reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance mental and physical health. It can calm our often racing minds and increase our ability to concentrate and focus on what is most important. A consistent practice may allow us to transform our day-to-day life into a more peaceful, joyful, and meaningful existence.

Many people find that these kinds of positive effects are greatly enhanced by meditating or centering with others. Join our weekly meditaion group. We will meet in the community room at Elk Haven Wellness Center in Brevard on Tuesday mornings starting at 7:00 a.m. Following two periods of meditation, there will be a discussion and community building for those who wish to participate. This is an open, ongoing group, and drop-ins are always welcome.

No experience is necessary and all levels are welcome. If you would like to meditate for 60 minutes join us at 7:00 AM. If you would like to meditate for 30 minutes please join us 7:30. A time of informal discussion will begin at 8:00 for those who are interested. 

To support this offering and cover costs, a $10 donation per session is suggested. Donations can be made here as you register, and will also be accepted at the door by cash or check.

Dr. Robert Cabin was a Professor of Environmental Studies at Brevard College from 2005 to 2023. Throughout his career, Dr. Cabin increasingly came to see the limitations of a strictly intellectual approach to help others understand environmental issues in particular, and find meaning and happiness in general. Ultimately, he left academia in order to more effectively help others integrate and unite their own intellectual, physical, and spiritual selves, utilize their greatest gifts, and lead their best lives. For more information, please email Bob Cabin.

Bob Cabin Head Shot

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