
500 Forest Ave
500 Forest Avenue
Portland, Maine 04101
Location map

About this event

Join Kindling and Prevention Action Change for a day of preparing for and navigating human risk in the outdoors. We’ll take time to build, share, and practice strategies for navigating issues that may arise at different stages of an outdoor trip—from the drive out to the trailhead to the campsite, and more. We’ll share tools for managing adrenaline in stressful moments and strategies for setting boundaries, de-escalating situations, and responding physically when needed. While addressing serious topics and situations, this class is engaging and built around the ethic of challenge by choice. There are many ways to participate and you decide what works for you: watch an exercise, participate in a role play, practice a grab release with or without touch. All physical techniques are accessible and adaptable. This class is for queer and/or BIPOC folks, meaning you're invited to join this program if you are white and queer, BIPOC and queer, or BIPOC and not queer and want to feel prepared to safely navigate human risk outdoors.

Activity Level: W

Group Type: Queer and BIPOC

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