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Coupons and discount codes

Offer discounts on regular ticket prices by creating per-ticket discount codes. Share these discount codes with your attendees to be redeemed at checkout. The code applied will reduce the price of the ticket you associate with that discount.

1. Login to your Ticketstripe account

2. Select Promote from the top menu

3. Click Create Discount 

  • Enter a discount code
  • Code should be between 5-15 characters long (numbers and letters only)
  • Avoid using special characters
  • Do not use the same code twice

4. Select a discount type

  • Fixed ticket discount OR
  • Percentage ticket discount

5. If you want to limit the discount to be active only during a certain period, check this box and enter a Start and/or End dates

6. If you want to limit the total number of tickets a discount can be used on, check this box and enter the Maximum discount use

7. Choose which events and tickets qualify for this discount by selecting one of the following:

  • All events and tickets
  • Select events
  • Select tickets

8. Click Create to save your discount