
How Can We Help?

What are the total costs of selling tickets for a nonprofit event?

The following fee breakdown is on a $10 ticket.

Your Payment Processor (Merchant) Fees

While this is something we do not control, it is important to remember when calculating all costs, your payment processor bank will charge you for accepting payments. Currently, we support two payment processors: Stripe and PayPal.

Stripe charges 30 cents + 2.9% per transaction and those fees are deducted from ticket purchases directly.

PayPal charges 49 cents + from 2.99% to 3.49% per transaction.

Charges may vary depending on your account status with the payment processor. For example, if you are a registered nonprofit with Stripe or PayPal, you may benefit from a discounted rate.

Ticketstripe Nonprofit Service Fees

Ticketstripe’s fees for nonprofits are 1.50 %  + 50¢ per ticket sold.

Ticket Costs When Your Payment Processor is Stripe

When you connect a Stripe merchant account to your Ticketstripe account, you have the option to pass on ALL fees to your customer (Ticketstripe service + Stripe’s merchant fees).

If you choose to pass on all fees for a $10 ticket, your customer will pay $11.27. Of that amount: $0.65 cents will go to Ticketstripe, $0.62 cents will go to Stripe and you will receive $10.

Ticket Costs When Your Payment Processor is PayPal

With PayPal, you also have the option to pass all fees to your ticket buyers. In this case, Ticketstripe will deduct $0.65, PayPal will deduct their payment processing fee, and you will receive $10.