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Hide tickets

Create promotional tickets using the Hide Ticket option to share with a select audience or to use in a Ticket bundle.

NOTE: This hidden ticket will not be visible on your public event page. Use hidden tickets if you are creating tickets solely to use in a Ticket Bundle but do not want to put them up for sale individually or when you want to extend a promotional, custom ticket to a select audience.

1. Log in to your Ticketstripe account and click on your event

2. Go to Tickets, click Add Tickets, and select General Ticket from the menu

3. Enter information for this ticket

4. Click on More Options to customize your ticket further. Check the hide ticket box.  Hide Ticket

5. Save this ticket and then click on the gear icon next to the ticket to copy the Direct Link to this ticket in your Tickets Overview screen.  Hidden Tickets are only accessible with this direct link, whereas tickets that are not hidden are accessible to everyone via your event page.

6. Copy the URL from your browser bar and share that link with your desired audience.

promotional ticket link
You can create as many hidden promotional tickets as you like and share that link via email or other methods directly with the intended recipient(s).